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In the mornings, I wake up with strong streams of thoughts and images. I understand they are physical energy and need somewhere to go.  I am determined to get my blog going.  This morning, I felt a wave of overwhelming gratitude for my incredible team.

I feel so lucky and grateful for their talent and skills.  It has been so cold and they dressed up in beanies, vests and gloves to help us organize for the year.  They tackled mountains of disorganized containers, a disarray of mixed up candles and dusty components of arches and props.

I also have a virtual assistant Vanessa who is the key at the front end.  This is where the initial contact is made.  She fields the questions with lightning speed and she is a magician with crafting all our social media.  All I can say is that Vanessa keeps me on track.

Sweet Lilacs is going into our 9th year of business.  I am estimating close to 1700 events.  That is a lot.  I am so grateful to be part of so many special events.  I consider the florals the jewelry of the events.  We excel in embellishment and finishing touches.  I still cannot forget a bride last year uncontrollably crying with tears of joy as she walked through her wedding ceremony and reception area.  We worked so hard to implement her vision and strived to do good work.  That reaction was so rewarding.

I thought about how ready we are for 2024.  I am so very grateful to my team this past year.  They are all coming back for the 2024 season.  We truly enjoy working together.  We are supportive of one another and we truly like one another.  Our early morning pow wows are so memorable.  Our creative bursts are goofy and laughable.  I am looking forward to our adventures this year.

After brewing my cup of coffee, I started scrolling through social media and I found this photo on the Banksy facebook page.  This is exactly how I felt this morning.  Just pure gratitude.

Amazing how messages are placed in front of you.

Susan Kelleher